Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weekend Links

I don't have quite as many links to share this week, but they're great ones, nonetheless.

What a Parent Wants to Say Before a Child Leaves by Ann Voskamp (grab a Kleenex first)

When You're Not Good Enough (sobering but important reminder)

Reflections of a Homeschool Mom (written by a friend of mine)

Top 10 Ways to Annoy a Gifted Child (or maybe just any child?)

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Friday, January 27, 2012

With This Ring, I ... Remember

Several times lately, Megan has asked about the 3 rings that I wear on my left-hand "ring finger," and I love to tell her all about them.  One is my engagement ring, one is my wedding ring, and one is the 50th anniversary ring that my Granddaddy Pearson gave to my Grannie almost 16 years ago.  They represent Megan's heritage on both sides of her family, and we invariably both get to dreaming about the wedding she will hopefully have someday.

They are beautiful rings, and I am truly blessed to have each one of them.  To me, they represent...

...a promise requested.

The diamond in my engagement ring belonged to David's grandmother.  Although not his biological grandfather, the man who bought it loved David and the rest of his family as his very own.  David likes to tell me how his grandfather had to paint lots of houses to make enough money to afford it.  It's a beautiful, bright, round solitaire - just exactly what I would have picked out for myself.

I loved being engaged.  In many ways, it was a pressure-free time (at least until the wedding plans were in full force) - the decision had been made, no more "he loves me, he loves me not" thinking, and none of the coming pressures of married life.  Like the ring itself, it was a time filled with flashy demonstrative gestures and declarations of love.

... a promise made.

My wedding band is barely visible between the other two rings, but it's the most important one.  I think it's appropriate for wedding rings to be simple, ordinary bands of gold.  Yes, it represents a never-ending circle, yada-yada-yada.  But that's not what I mean.

Marriage is about loving each other during the ordinary times.

It's him loving her through dark emotional times, difficult recoveries from childbirth, and children demanding her time and energy.  It's his hugs and pep talks at 2AM.  It's him unclogging the toilet for the 4th time that week (while muttering things about the stupid government and its regulations...).

It's her loving him through surgeries and recoveries, going to school, and dealing with certification tests.  It's her willingness to move anywhere to do what is best for him and their family.  It's her telling him it will all be OK when he's struggling with discouragement.

... a promise kept.

When my Grannie died this past Summer, I had the privilege of choosing first from the 3 diamond rings that she wanted to go to her 3 granddaughters.  The other two are beautiful solitaire rings, but I knew that I wanted this one before I even realized its significance.  The 5 diamonds represent the 5 decades of their marriage (Granddaddy died about a year and a half later), and I sometimes look at it and realize that, after 13 years, we are not quite halfway across that second diamond in our own marriage.

This ring represents the rewards that they reaped from a lifetime together - emotional, spiritual, and yes, material.  Their love had literally multiplied through children, grandchildren, and (although not during Granddaddy's lifetime) great-grandchildren.  Life wasn't always easy for them.  And since they were human, I'm SURE that the thought of leaving flickered through their minds from time to time.  But they never allowed themselves to go down that path.  They left a legacy of keeping the promise that they had made.

So with these rings, I remember: the love that requested the promise, the hope that made the promise, and the faith that keeps the promise.

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bloomin' Monday : Before You Move

Welcome to the first (official) installment of Bloomin' Monday - making the most of moving to a new town!  (For an introduction to this series, read here.)

Thanks to the Internet, it's amazing how much you can do before even arriving in a new place.  Yes, you can do things like arrange for the utilities to be turned on, have your mail forwarded, get a new local phone number (although fewer and fewer people are actually doing this, thanks to cell phones with no regard for long distance numbers).  But you can also meet people!

Back in 2009, I wrote a post about how I met my friend Lora through Facebook.  She was an invaluable resource for us before and in the days and months after we moved to Fort Smith.  Through her, we found a place to live, a preschool for Nathan (before we started homeschooling), and a great babysitter (a MUST for living this far away from the grandparents!).  You can read more about the Lora story here.  (She's also got a wonderful blog that I recommend - tons of yummy recipes and great homeschooling resources.)

Before we moved here, I was able to get connected to a playgroup with lots of other Moms of preschoolers.  I applied to the group online and was put on the waiting list for a short time, but did have some contact with the group leader.  As it turns out, she was a student in my first Algebra class at the college here in town!  (She was/is a great student - which was a relief since it would have been extremely awkward to fail her and then see each other at play dates!  Ha!)  Anyway, I got in the group shortly after we arrived, and we were able to start meeting other Moms and other kids right away.

So if you are going to be moving soon, get online and see what all you can find!  Search for people from your new town on Facebook and send a message.  Look up groups involving interests that you have (play groups, cooking classes, book clubs, etc.).  When we lived in Seattle, we joined the local Auburn Club to watch football games in the Fall, so don't forget alumni or career-related groups, also.  You can learn a lot about churches from their websites, so it's never too early to begin checking out possibilities there, too.

To me, there's just something about doing research on a place *before* I get there that makes me feel so much more comfortable once the move actually takes place.  True, it's not the same as really being there, but it's a good way to begin the acclimation process while you're still in familiar surroundings.

If you've already moved but haven't yet gotten plugged in to a group of friends, it's not too late to do these same things.  Even if you have lived in the same place for 20 years, you can STILL Bloom Where You're Planted!

Next week: Won't You Be My Neighbor?

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie, Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family, Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary

Menu Plan Monday - Week of January 23, 2012

This week, I'm planning to try a couple of new recipes I found from last week's Menu Plan Monday on  (I really recommend checking out the many blogs that link up there each week!)  There are also a couple of meals that we didn't get to last week, so they are reappearing in the line-up for this week.

Tentative Schedule (WW Plus Points in parentheses):

Monday: Lime Chicken and Black Bean Burritos (10)

Tuesday: Crockpot Sesame Chicken with Rice (13)

Wednesday: Church night

Thursday: Breakfast casserole (7), crescent rolls (3), and baked apples (2)

Friday: Stromboli (12)

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
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