Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Trial and Error

Today, I'm guest posting for a friend of mine.  She's hilarious, honest, a fellow homeschool Mama, and the object of my Hair Envy. (Seriously.  Just take a look at her picture and tell me you don't also wish for long, flowing locks.)

Like me, you may have made some New Year's Resolutions about losing weight, getting more organized, staying on a budget, and so forth.  And by now, also like me, you may have discovered that making resolutions is much easier than keeping them.  After all, there are sometimes "hidden costs" in trying to cut back - whether it's calories, clutter, or cash.

I learned this lesson the hard way a few years ago when we were really under some financial strain.  In an attempt to cut out a "luxury item" from the budget, I decided to color my own hair.  I had done it before successfully, so this should have been an easy change to make.  Taking it a step further, I decided I would color my hair back to my original color (to the best of my memory) so I could avoid coloring altogether for a while.

Want to read the rest of the story and learn a lesson in what NOT to do?  Click here.  And then be sure to follow her blog, too.  I promise you won't regret it!

This post may be linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary, Pieces of Amy Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

1 comment:

  1. You are hilarious! If only you could see my hair right now....


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