Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yes, but HOW??


My high school English teacher once described me as a romantic pragmatist.

What on earth does that mean?  It means that I have lofty ambitions and dreams, but I'm also intensely practical.  Not surprisingly, this leads to all sorts of inner conflict.

For example, I want very much to be a Proverbs 31 kind of woman.  (romantic)  You know the one - rises while it is still dark but doesn't let her lamp go out at night, always does her husband good, doesn't eat the bread of idleness, clothes her family in purple, surveys a field and buys it, and so forth.  And somehow while doing all of this her husband becomes well-known and successful, and her kids think she's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But how is that supposed to look in 2012?  In America?  In Fort Smith, AR?  At my house?  Somebody please tell me how to actually make this happen! (pragmatist)  Yes, I've heard the theory that she didn't do all those things in the same season of life, but I'm not sure I agree with that.  I just don't see that in the passage.

Source of conflict: my aspiration and my actual life are light years apart.

I'm planning to do a Bible study on this very topic this Summer.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

Here's another huge one: parenting.  It seems everywhere I turn these days, someone is talking about parenting from the perspective of reaching the heart of a child rather than focusing on behavior modification.  That focusing only on behavior will result in producing little Pharisees.  Or worse.

I wholeheartedly agree.  But I have no idea how to do that.

I definitely was raised with my behavior in mind.  How my siblings and I acted - particularly in public - was of paramount importance!  (I'm not getting down on my parents here.  This is how they were raised.  And yes, behavior IS very important.  I don't think anyone ever said, "Oh no, here come those Pearson kids again.")  But here's the truth: even when my behavior was impeccable, my heart was totally rebellious.  And I think that the only reason that inner rebellion didn't come to more outward fruition was because I was (am) a classic firstborn: I fear(ed) disappointing people (especially my parents) above all else.

I'm almost certain that I'm parenting in this same way.  So what do I need to do differently?  What does this look like in the real world?  Generally, my kids behave very well in public.  Does this mean I've scarred them for life??

So I don't have all the answers.  Many days, I feel like I don't have any of the answers!  But I know The One who does.  And I will continue to seek Him.

I'm pretty sure that the reason this isn't all spelled out more clearly is so we will turn to Him.

"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him."  ~James 1:5

Lord, I'm asking for wisdom.  I need it desperately.  And I believe You will answer.

 This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home


  1. Applying the Word of God to our everyday lives...a wonderful way to start my day! Thanks for this post...and for sharing it on Just for Fun Friday!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kate! I'm happy to have been a blessing.

  2. As another classic firstborn, I hardily thump the table with understanding. "Exactly" I thought! So many of my choices were made not for my benefit but hoping to have my parent's approval.

    Very good post and I know the Lord will bless your desire to mold their hearts first and then the behaviors.

    1. There really should be some sort of 12-step program for recovering First Borns. Ha! Both of my parents are firstborns, so it's kind of an epidemic in my family. :)

  3. It's easier to deal with the heart issues as they get older. While they are young it does feel like a simply fact of, "Do this because I said so." (Here from Amy's link up.)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Stacey. I've actually been amazed at how quickly God has been answering my prayer for wisdom, especially with my son. I hope to blog about that in the near future.

  4. Oh Laura, I am WITH YOU! If you figure it out, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Share!!!!!!!!

  5. So glad we can trust God to tell us how to be the best parents for our kiddos! Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from Amy's link up :)

  6. I agree with Kathy. And also so glad that God's Grace covers when we mess up...which I do a lot! Stopping over from Company Girls.

  7. You sound so much like me! I have inner arguments with myself all the time! Praying for a lot of wisdom myself these days!

  8. Okay, wow! You've given me a lot to think about. That's a good thing I suppose. :) My older daughter is a classic firstborn (my 2nd one is very much a typical 2ndborn (like me!))...sometimes I love that, other times, not so much. :p

  9. Naturally, I had to smile through this post. An epidemic of firstborns? Good one.


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