One of my favorite go-to sites for homeschool inspiration during my first year was Confessions of a Homeschooler. She has an amazing amount of information on her site and even some curricula of her own. (We love her Expedition Earth and Road Trip USA geography stuff.) Posts that were most beneficial to me were the ones where she discussed what curriculum she was using with her own children. That's how I first learned about Grapevine Studies.
We have been using this for over a year now and love it. My kids literally cheer when I tell them it's Bible time. I like that everything is very clearly laid out for me. My children like that they get to participate in the lessons. It's a win-win.
Their catch phrase is "Stick Figuring Through the Bible," and that's literally what we are doing. Here's my white board for a recent lesson on King Solomon:
We're doing the Beginner level Old Testament Overview, and it's just what it sounds like. It's very basic and age-appropriate. Each of the squares on my board corresponds to a place in their workbook (or printed out pages, in our case). The drawings are there in my teacher book for me to copy, along with a basic "script" that I can use or (usually) add to as I see fit.
Here's the teacher book from this same lesson:
Both of my children love to participate by drawing along with me. Obviously, my 6-year-old is quite a bit better at this than my 4-year-old, but she still enjoys being a part of everything. Here's the 6-year-old's work:
They have recently come out with Traceables for 3-5 year olds, which I think is a great idea! It's the same stick figures but printed in a way that those younger children can trace over them instead of trying to recreate them on their own.
Grapevine Studies are not just for younger students or homeschoolers. I think this would be great in a Sunday school class or other type of Bible study. There are seven levels, ranging from 3-year-olds through adult. There are also multi-level books for ages 7 and up if you will be teaching different ages at once.
If you think you might want to explore this a bit further, I have great news. First, you can download a free e-lesson to check it out for yourself. This is from the Multi-Level book on Esther and contains both the teacher and student material. Click here to access it.
Second, February 1st - 7th, all student books and student e-books are 50% off! No special coupon code needed. The prices are already cut in half for the applicable products.
Check it out and let me know what you think!
This post contains affiliate links, but yes, we really do use and enjoy Grapevine Studies!
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