Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weekend Links

I found some great stuff around the 'net this week!

How to Convert AAA Batteries into AA Batteries  Who knew??

A Day in the Life of one of my favorite bloggers (I'm considering trying out something she mentioned.)

1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 7 for Children (and Mamas)

The Glory of Mundane Tasks (goes along with the Good Morning Girls Ephesians Bible study that I am currently doing and loving!)

28 Days of Hope for Your Home (Starts out VERY slowly, but apparently that's exactly what I need....)

Loving Living Math (There are some great ideas in here.)

So what did you find this week?

* Post contains affiliate links.
This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dear 18-Year-Old Me

Not surprisingly, you're in love again - or at least in the throes of a huge crush.  (See, I told you that you would survive breaking up with J!)  This one seems to have a lot going for him: extra cute, great singer, big dreams, ... and he thinks you're pretty great, too!

Is that a bare shoulder I see?  If only I'd had the guts to go knee-length on this one.  Not sure Dad would have approved, though.
I wish I could tell you he's The One (your mother wanted him to be The One, too), but he's not.  There are some more really painful lessons to learn about a year from now, but until then, enjoy the excitement!  Besides, because of him, you're about to go on a great adventure, traveling all across the country and to Bulgaria!  (That won't sound so great at first when you find out he gets to go to Ireland, but trust me, you're in just the right place.)

The sights, sounds, memories, and experiences of this coming Summer with Celebrant Singers will stay with you forever.  I'm thrilled to tell you that you will still be in touch with most of your group 20 years from now.  (Through the computer again ... it's truly amazing what they can do now.)

Yes, Auburn is the right choice for you.  Don't keep agonizing about it.  It will suit your personality and educational needs, you'll make wonderful friends, be a part of a great church, and you'll finally meet The One while you're there!  Go ahead and join the Auburn Singers, but don't expect it to be your source of friendships and connections.  There is a vast chasm between those on stage and you on the piano bench.  But that's okay.  You'll get a wonderful trip to Europe out of the deal.

Speaking of Europe, enjoy that trip to Austria this December!  Stick with your friend Geanni, and you'll stay out of trouble.  Just trust me.

You're about to end one chapter of your life and begin another.  It's exciting!  Enjoy this time!

Like this series?  You can read the others here.

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2012 Goals: Monthly Checkup - Part 2

A couple of days ago, I posted how my first 3 goals were going.  Verdict: mixed results.  I'm happy to report more progress on the remaining two.

Priority #4: Kaplan (where I teach math online)

One part of this goal was to be more focused on my tasks so that it didn't take up so much of my time.  For the most part, I've been successful with this.  Of course, it helps that I'm just teaching one class this term.  I've also improved a great deal on student outreach and cleaning out an overwhelming e-mail inbox.  I still need to do a bit more to adequately prepare some discussion board posts for classes that I teach frequently.  (This would help with the "not taking up as much of my time" goal, too, in future terms.)

Priority #5: Personal growth  (Remember that these were in no particular order - just as I thought of them the day I made my goal list.)

Read more: Success

Since the middle of December, I have read Grace for the Good Girl (highly recommend!), Hope for the Weary Mom, Eat That Frog!, and The Five Love Languages of Children.  I just recently started Captivating.

Make more friends: Success in progress.

I have ventured out into some new-ish territory at our church by attending Women's events and Bible studies and am happily making some new connections and friendships.  Also, next week we go for the orientation meeting for our new homeschool group followed by a roller skating party at the end of the week.  (You might want to add that to your prayer calendar....)

Blog regularly: Um, yes.  :)

Pursue an interest: Success, maybe?

I'm not sure what interest I actually want to pursue, but I am getting the opportunity to write an article for The Old Schoolhouse magazine about online learning.  We'll see where that leads!

So that's The State of the Mama at the end of the first month of the year.  Here's hoping for more progress by March 1st!

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2012 Goals: Monthly Checkup - Part 1

At the beginning of the year, I posted about my goals for 2012.  You can see them here.  Since it's the beginning of February, I thought this would be a good time to do a goals "check-up."

Priority 1: Have a more welcoming home.

This one is actually going the worst, I'm afraid.  I started out pretty strong, but quickly fizzled, especially in the "develop a reasonable home-keeping schedule" department.  Beginning today (February 1st), I'm going to try something new.  It starts out VERY SLOWLY.  In fact, my first thought was, "Even I am more organized than this."  But then I looked around my house and realized that, no, I'm really not.

One blog that I enjoy reading is A Slob Comes Clean, and she has recently published a new e-book called 28 Days to Hope for Your Home.  For the month of February it's on sale for $4.00 (50% off the regular price of $7.99).  Want to join me?

Now moving on to better news....

Priority 2: Improve my health and well-being.

As of this morning, I have lost 5 pounds.  (For me, the most exciting part was that the middle number of my weight is now back to what it was a year ago.  I'm in a new weight decade!)  Verdict: Weight Watchers does work, but it can be excruciatingly slow.  This should have come as no surprise to me.  Five years ago (has it really been that long?), I lost 26 pounds on WW, but it took me 8 months.  I got pregnant 3.4 days later...

Other parts of this goal were to exercise regularly (nothing happening here yet - and yes, I see the connection to the above paragraph, but 5 years ago I WAS exercising regularly and still had those results), visit the doctor and dentist on a regular basis (doctor appointment made for March; still too chicken about the dentist), and go to bed/get out of bed earlier (progress being made on the bedtime end).

Priority 3: Continue to improve in homeschooling.

I'm happy to say that I am back to more detailed planning of our weekly schedule.  I'm hoping to extend that to a monthly schedule soon.  Megan is becoming more involved, but there's still work to be done here.  I have ordered Nathan's math books for next year (since he'll be finished with the Kindergarten ones in a couple of weeks), but I'm still pondering what to use for Phonics/Reading/Spelling.  Anyone have any experience with The Phonics Road?

Well, there are 3 more goals, but this post is already plenty long.  If you're still reading, Thank You!!  If you want to read about my other goals, you can do that here.

How are your new years' goals going so far?  I'd love to hear.

* Post contains an affiliate link.

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dear 16-Year-Old Me

Dear 16-year-old Laura,

Ah, young love!  You're in the thick of it right now, and there's a lot that's really great about it.  He has just enough of a wild streak to satisfy that inner rebellion that you keep so well hidden.  But he's basically a pretty good guy who never tries to take advantage of you or pressure you.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), he's going to break your heart before the year is over.  The two of you will stay friends for a while, but eventually you'll drift back to your group and he'll drift back to his.  You'll feel kind of lost for a while, but you'll be fine.  In fact, 19 years from now, you'll be in contact with him again through your computer.  (I know that probably boggles your mind, but computers will be MUCH different.  Not a DOS prompt in sight!  Tip: buy stock in Apple and Microsoft.)

Warning: he will break your heart again when you're 22.  But it won't take nearly as long, and it will have an unexpected, very positive, result.  That experience at 22 will cause you to have a much greater appreciation for the man who will become your husband.

But enough about that.

I'm tempted to tell you that you should dress differently - not feel like you have to stay hidden all the time.  But truthfully, dressing so modestly is probably keeping you out of some trouble and away from some people with less-than-honorable motives.  I guess I just wish you could have more confidence, even under all of those clothes.  You are more than just a brain!  You have a cute figure and a great sense of humor, but only a few people get to ever see glimpses of either.  Your future husband will recognize both of these qualities and know how to appreciate them.  :)

Twenty-two years from now, you'll be amazed at how some people have changed (and be even more amazed that you are still in contact with them!).  Some of your high school classmates have developed a real spiritual depth, and it's a shame that they either don't have that, or aren't willing to show that, at 16.  Sadly, some others will just be worse versions of their 16-year-old selves.  I won't spoil it for you, but I think you'll be surprised who matures and who doesn't.

So enjoy your first love.  It won't last forever, but it will be great for a while, and you will survive the aftermath.

P.S. Remember that Senior you had a crush on last year?  Even at 38 you still won't have the guts to contact him ... but that's definitely for the best.  :)

P.P.S.  See?  I was right about the acne getting much better.  :) And girl, you are rockin' the big hair!  (Enjoy that, too, while it lasts.)

If you are at all curious, you can read other letters to my younger self here.

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Monday, January 30, 2012

Bloomin' Monday: Won't You Be My Neighbor?

So you've arrived in your new town, the boxes are off of the moving truck and scattered throughout your house or apartment, and you're about to make your first of many trips to the grocery store.  I'm sure the list is a mile long, but I would suggest adding one more thing: brownies (homemade, from a box - it doesn't matter!).
It was our 6th move and first ever home purchase.  We were so excited to be moving to Knoxville, TN, and into our very own house!  Living in Jacksonville, FL had been less than wonderful (more on that later), so it was great to be getting a fresh start.  But of course, we didn't know anyone but our real estate agent in our new town.

As David was unloading the U-Haul in the Summer heat, our next-door neighbor, Rose, showed up with a lovely plate of brownies.  It was so appreciated and turned out to be the start of a wonderful friendship that still continues (Hi, Rose!).  Right away, we felt welcome in the neighborhood and like we had at least one person we could go to with questions or in case of an emergency.

Sadly, Rose's actions are extremely rare.  Only one other time (at our first place here in Fort Smith) has anyone come to meet us from our new neighborhood.  Nevertheless, we decided to carry on the brownie tradition each time we have moved.  Some people will be very appreciative, others will be embarrassed that they didn't bring you brownies first, and one or two may look at you like you've lost your mind.  But please take that first step.  It's a great way to break the ice!

If you're not about to move anytime soon, still keep a box of brownies in your pantry.  Then, when you see a moving truck arrive on your street, you'll be ready!

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie, Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family, Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary

Menu Plan Monday - Week of January 30, 2012

Here's the plan!  (WW points plus in parentheses)

Monday: Skinny Chicken Enchiladas - found on Pinterest (4 per enchilada)

Tuesday: Corn Chip Chili Pie (10)

Wednesday: Supper at church

Thursday: Sweet Asian Chicken - already in the freezer! (11)

Friday: Provencale Chicken Supper - crockpot meal (7), cornbread

Optional: King Ranch Chicken Casserole - already in the freezer! (7)

What's for dinner at your house?

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dear 12-Year-Old Me

I've been mentioning doing this on Facebook for a few days, and trying to get up the nerve to hit "publish."  I apologize if this is a bit self-serving.  I've just been thinking about a lot of past events lately (not sure why) and decided to work through them with a different perspective and a bit of humor.  I think it has a lot to do with seeing how fast my own children are growing and realizing that they will be facing these same growing pains before long.

Some of you will remember these times first-hand while others of you will have no idea what I'm talking about.  However, I think most of these experiences are pretty universal, so maybe it will help someone else.  Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.  Also, I'd love to hear what you'd say to your 12-year-old self, too.  :)

So here goes....

Me (right) and my best friend, Jennifer.  The above picture is actually at age 13, I think, when things are beginning to improve.  Apparently, I have successfully deleted all photographic proof of 3rd - 6th grades.

Dear 12-year-old Laura,

Boy, things just aren't very fun right now.  It's not easy having terrible acne during the years BEFORE anyone else does.  And why on earth did you get assigned PE 1st period??  Because acne + PE first thing in the morning + moving up to junior high = a 6th-grade fate worse than death!

I wish I could tell you that the acne will disappear soon and it will be gone forever.  It won't.  Twenty-six years from now you'll still get the occasional zit ... along with wrinkles.  But it WILL get tremendously better.  In fact, as early as 7th grade, things will begin to improve.  Yes, you'll get braces, but so will everyone else, so it will seem cool.  (And thankfully, you'll only have to wear the head gear at night for part of the time.)

In the meantime, you do have some really fun friends in Jennifer (above), Lori, Heather, etc.  Enjoy laughing with them!  (But do not - I repeat, DO NOT - let them give you a perm in 8th grade at a spend-the-night party!  Thankfully, it won't really "take," but still....)

Go ahead and start shaving your legs.  Your mother either hasn't noticed or is in denial that you are growing up, but trust me, it's time.

And those two boys that you and Jennifer are so crazy about?  NOT the answer to lifelong happiness.  Trust me.

You know your friend, Ben - the one who sent you roses to school?  (What?  That hasn't happened yet?  Well, it will next year then.)  Be nice to him.  He's going to be a great friend for a long time to come.  No, he's not The One.  But give him more of a chance.  I can pretty much guarantee he'd never break your heart.

So hang in there.  This really is the worst it will get (at least through 38 ... can't speak about the years beyond that yet).  Next year, you will start to come into your own, and each year will be a little better than the one before.

This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
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