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One of the main reasons I began wanting an iPad (or similar tablet) was because of the many educational apps that were being used by other homeschool moms and school teachers. I had hoped that, at the very least, they would provide an educational diversion for Megan while I was working with Nathan, and vice-versa. It has far exceeded my expectations!
Truthfully, I use the iPad more than anyone. Last week, I wrote about some of my favorite apps that I use personally. You can read about those
here. Today I'll focus on the ones that Nathan (age 5 - Kindergarten) uses most frequently.
Stack the States
Stack the Countries
Nathan and David love to play both of these together in the evenings. Megan even gets in on the action!
Google Earth
We love "flying" to the different countries that we study and being able to "visit" key landmarks.
Nathan is in Kindergarten this year, so most of these focus on basic addition and subtraction.
Math Bingo
He loves to play with the Bingo Bugs when he completes a round.
K12 Counting Coins
K12 Counting Bills & Coins
Math Fact Blaster (very basic "flash card" type of app)
Math Garden
This is a fun way to build speed on the basic facts of addition and subtraction.
Motion Math Hungry Fish
Motion Math Zoom (great for learning about the number line)
This is a beautiful app with lots of information, NASA TV, videos of launches, etc.
Hold the iPad over your head and the app will tell you what stars, constellations, etc. are located above you (or on the other side of the Earth you if you hold it down).
Word Bingo (same premise and company as Math Bingo above)
Sound Sorting (grouping words by beginning consonant)
Tic Tac Toe Phonics
Simplex Spelling
Montessori Crosswords
King's Apps Telling Time (basic, but effective)
Build a Train
Nathan LOVES this one. You create your own train, choose a track, and watch it run while you make different sounds, toggle the track switches, and adjust the speed.
Trainyard EX
This one involves using logic to lay out the track that will get the train(s) from the start house to the destination, going around obstacles and avoiding other trains.
This one is by Lego and involves spatial reasoning.
Simon Says
Still a classic. :)
We have others, but these are the ones that he either chooses or I assign for him to do in order to work on a specific skill that we are building. The vast majority I got for free. Most others have a Lite version that you can try out before deciding whether or not to pay for the full version. (I have quite a few more on my AppShopper Wish List, and I'm waiting for the price to drop.)
These are all iOS apps, and most can also be used on the iPhone or iPod as well as the iPad. My guess is that most have counterparts for Android tablets and phones.
Got any recommendations for me? I'm always looking for new ones.
Stay tuned for My Favorite Apps - Part 3 (The Megan Edition)!
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