Showing posts with label 365 Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 365 Questions. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2013

1/3/13: Are you content?

I've been thinking about this since I saw the question on the 365 Questions list a few days ago.  The answer: it depends.

I do feel content with the big-picture things - being married to David, being a Mama, living in our current location, etc.  There are none of those that I am in any hurry to change (although that last one is always subject to change at some point).  I'm blessed to be living a great life.

But there are always things that I would like to change.  I mentioned some here - growing deeper in my faith, losing a few pounds, and have a healthier savings account.  Also, if a genie appeared before me offering three wishes, I'd like to suddenly be an organized extrovert with fewer curves in some areas and more in others.  But truthfully, none of those keep me up at night (well, maybe the finances on occasion...).

I read this post a few days ago, though, and it got me to thinking and praying.  (Go ahead.  Take a few minutes to click over there so the rest of what I'm going to write will make sense.  :) )  I've been wondering what my "thang" is in the Kingdom of God.  (See, I told you this wouldn't make sense until you read the post.)  In late high school / college, it was international missions - particularly to Russia.  I went to Bulgaria with a music group, taught Conversational English, and waited for some big Call to bring that vision to fruition.  But that isn't the direction my life has taken - at least, not so far.

Then I got married and started teaching math at the college level, which I loved (most of the time).  Several times over the years, I've had the privilege of leading women's Bible studies (also something that I love).  David can tell you that I spent way too much time preparing for lessons of both types.

All of those things still interest me a great deal, but I don't know if it's a passion at this stage of my life.  Right now, my life primarily takes place within the walls of my house, and I am content with it being that way.  Several years ago, I prayed and asked God to turn my heart toward home, and He has certainly answered that.  Since then, I have begun teaching from home and homeschooling, both very different from how I would have envisioned my life even 10 years ago.

I'm still asking God to show me what passion He has placed in my heart, what mission He has for me to accomplish, whether big or small.  I also asked my husband.  He looked at me with this "duh" look on his face and told me what he thought should have been obvious to me.

Rather than tell you what he said, let me ask you.  If you know me, what passion/mission/"thang" do you see in me?  If you don't know me, or just have no idea, what is yours?

 This post is linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary, Pieces of Amy Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1/2/13: What are you most grateful for?

Wow - two blogging days in a row!  :)

So if you missed yesterday's post, I'm trying this new thing called 365 Questions, which is exactly as it sounds.  I'm making no promises of never missing a day, but at least it's giving me a direction for my writing on here (something sorely needed!).

Today's question is a "toughy" because I can't possibly narrow it down to one thing.  Obviously, the biggest blessings are life itself, salvation, health, a wonderful family, and so forth.  But today, I am also grateful for the privilege of being a stay-at-home Mom.  I know that not everyone has this option, and I'm thankful both that my husband is in favor of this decision and that his job provides the means for me to be here.

No guilt is intended by this post.  If you choose to work outside the home, that's totally your business.

Please don't think that I am one of those Moms who blissfully goes through every single day, enjoying every minute.  There are certainly moments that I want to put them on the nearest school bus and go to work with grown-ups.  And trying to keep the house clean while the 3 of us are here most of the time is almost pointless.  But still, the blessings far outweigh the challenges, and there's really no place I'd rather be.

So how about you?  What are you most grateful for?

This post may be linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary, Pieces of Amy Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello out there!  Anyone remember me?  I'm that girl who writes a bunch of posts all at one time ... and then nothing more for a couple of months.  Oh well.

I want to do something new and different here on the ol' blog, but I have no idea what.  I guess the first thing is to actually write something.  Somewhere along the way on Pinterest, I discovered this plan for a 5-year journal.  The idea is to answer one question a day, and repeat the questions for 5 years, comparing your answers.  Saying today that I will do this for 5 years is a little too ambitious, but I thought it would at least give me a jump-start on blogging more.  Some questions look like one-sentence answers, while others will require a bit more.  Either way, I'll jump in and see what happens.

January 1st - What is your number one goal this year?

This is kind of a big year for me because I will be turning 40 in November.  Yikes!  How on earth did that happen?  My brain is convinced that I'm still somewhere around 32.

Turning 30 threw me into a bit of a tailspin, and I don't want that to happen again.  So here's my goal:
Fabulous by Forty: Faith, Fitness, Finances
I feel like, if I can make good progress in all three of those areas over the next 10 months, 40 won't seem quite so daunting.  I don't really have a specific plan for Faith yet.  I'll continue with daily Bible reading, plus I will likely participate in another Good Morning Girls study in a couple of weeks.  Obviously, God is the main One working in my faith development, so we will see what He has in store.

As for Fitness, my "new year" started right after Thanksgiving.  (I wanted to be a "regular" at the gym by the time the new year's crowd arrived.)  Thanks to My Fitness Pal and some really mean Muscle Pump instructors (Love you, Catrina!), I've already lost 6 pounds.  (Still quite a few to go, but it's a reachable goal.)  Believe it or not, once upon a time I was in shape.  Here I am the day I turned 34.  (Those jeans are still in my closet.  Waiting.)

And here's what I looked like this past November, roughly 25 pounds heavier.  (Since that little princess is now 4, I can't really call it baby weight anymore.)


As for finances, that's not something I can share in detail on the blog, but we're making some changes there, as well.  Remember all that gallivanting around, looking for a job for David?  Those trips weren't free.

So those are my main areas of focus for this year.  Of course, there are always improvements to be made in other areas of life, but those are the biggies right now.

What about you?  Got any goals for 2013?  I'd love to hear about them.

 This post may be linked up to one or more of the following blog parties.  Check them out! Monday: Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie Wednesday: Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family Friday: 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama, Company Girl Coffee at Home Sanctuary, Pieces of Amy Other days: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
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