Showing posts with label The Pioneer Woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Pioneer Woman. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Getting Lost in the Details

Well, as usual, it's feast or famine when it comes to blog posts. I either have too much to say or not enough to justify a post - at least in my own mind. But here I go anyway.

First, I've been getting caught up in the details of my blog the last few days - tickers, colors, fonts, etc. I think it's the home decorator in me wanting to come out. Since we currently live in a beige-walled apartment, there's not much room for that side of my personality. I LOVE picking out paint swatches, finding fabric to make curtains, envisioning the layout of a new place. Maybe I'll get to do that again before too much longer.

Second, I'm getting caught up in the details of making big decisions long before they're actually here to be made. For example, amongst the many wonderful blogs I have discovered over the last several days, I've found at least one person doing homeschool with their toddler. Yep, I needed one more way to feel like a dismal failure as a mother. Anyway, the thought has occurred to me that, before I decide to take on homeschooling (a decision at least 2 years away), maybe I should try it on a smaller scale. So off to WalMart we went, in search of craft projects and various other manipulatives. I enjoy teaching math to college students; preschool just doesn't come naturally to me, but I've got some great ideas, especially from 1+1+1=1 and their Tot School. We'll see how it goes.

Meanwhile, I haven't accomplished much else today. But there's still time. I'm thinking of trying a new recipe from The Pioneer Woman. Her Strawberry Shortcake Cake was a success on Saturday, so I'm hoping her Chicken Spaghetti will also go well. And who knows? I might even have time for a bit of decluttering. :)

[Update: The Chicken Spaghetti was a big success! Try it yourself!]

Thursday, May 21, 2009

3:29 PM and wearing my bathrobe

So it's 3:29 PM, and I'm sitting at my computer in my bathrobe.

It's not really as bad as it sounds. I got up reasonably early this morning (Megan slept all the way until 7 AM - Go Megan!), and we went to MOPS (after the usual struggle to get out the door). Nathan was in his bed headed for naptime (hopefully), and I was feeding Megan a just-before-naptime bottle. Then she spit up all over me and the couch. YUCK! I love her dearly. I really don't want her to grow up any faster than she already is. But when will the spit-up end?? I can only hope that we will be able to get new furniture before too much longer. That couch has definitely seen better days. But anyway, that's why I got into my bathrobe to begin with.

That was over an hour ago. Then I started reading. I have recently discovered The Pioneer Woman, and I am completely enthralled reading her love story of how she met her husband and went from city girl to rancher. I just finished part 25 of about 50. Maybe there will be time tonight to read a few more installments. I highly recommend it, but know that it's very addictive.
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