Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The First Week

Just a post to get you caught up on our past week. It started with a massive deep clean of our apartment. It's amazing how much stuff can get caught in crevices and overlooked for months at a time - or maybe that's just at my house. It's also amazing how moving and cleaning can make a person a bit crazy. For example, here's my dear husband sitting in the refrigerator, just because he could.

He's going to do a guest post later on about how to load a moving truck, but here's shot of the load right before we started unloading at our new house.
I know it looks like a huge mess in the picture, but it's amazing how much stuff is packed in there. We hired some professional movers to come help unload, and they offered David a job. (I was glad David finally got some recognition for his packing prowess!) :)

There's always a part of me that wants to just leave things on the truck because a nice, clean, empty house soon turns into this.

But later came the best part - unpacking pretty things I hadn't seen in a year. I must tell you that I have never - not for one moment - doubted my choice in fine china. (For that matter, I also love my white "every day" pattern, but I didn't take pictures of it.) Brookhollow by Noritake. I don't think it's made anymore. I just love it. Look at those dainty cups! I have got to use this stuff more often than the occasional Thanksgiving!

Can I just say again that I have missed having pretty things? Now, I must tell you that my kitchen is open to the family room, and this pottery clashes horribly with my living room furniture. I thought about not using it. But I decided that, at least for now, I would rather be surrounded with things that I loved, even if they don't all match each other. I love this pottery, and I use it as accents in my kitchen.

Now if I could just get new couches....

Meanwhile, we have also made two big trips to WalMart, explored our new territory a bit, and made our first trip to the DMV. I say first because David managed to get a driver's license, but he had to go back later to get our new car tags, and I can't get a driver's license until I get a new copy of our marriage license. (Apparently, a social security card is not enough proof that my name is, in fact, Laura Baggett. ARGH!) Has anyone seen our marriage license? I haven't seen it in almost 11 years. Oh well. Just think how much more exciting a trip to the DMV will be when I get to go alone with the two kiddos. I can just imagine how my picture will turn out as I try to keep Nathan from running out the emergency exit. I'll let you know if it turns out to be "post-worthy."


  1. That photo of your husband in the fridge. haha =p That's great. It'll probably the only time he'll get to do that. I think we might have 1-2 boxes still around somewhere from our move last March. Happy unpacking and have a great weekend!

  2. I hope you get settled quickly. I love what you said in your header about putting down roots regardless of how long you expect to be there! Great words of wisdom.

  3. My last visit to the DMV was on a day that was raining and I hadn't planned on going but my license had expired and I couldn't rent a car for a trip until it was renewed. I was wearing a stained sweatshirt. Lovely to carry that picture around for the next 6 years.

    But besides all that, I am so happy that you linked up for coffee...the nice thing about online friends is that it really doesn't matter what your home address is...we can always find each other through blogging. Kinda cool.

    I hope you are able to settle in quickly, and enjoy all your "new" things from the boxes!!

  4. I was an Army Brat, moving I understand. Didn't move quite as frequently though. You all though have it down to a fine art! I do hope you get settled in to your new home quickly!


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