Saturday, August 1, 2009

Meeting the Neighbors

Well, thankfully we have arrived, safe and relatively sound. I'll get you all caught up on that soon, but I wanted to share a brief funny story.

We moved in on Wednesday, and trash day is Friday (afternoon). Our landlord had just moved out, and so the trash was piled high with her stuff, including frozen food she had cleaned out of the freezer several days earlier that now smelled to high heaven. Nevertheless, the pile apparently looked intriguing. No fewer than two neighbors came by that day to introduce themselves and ask if they could rummage through the trash....

Strange place, this Four Zits!


  1. I have to ask. . . Did they find anything they were excited about enough to take home with them? Anybody have to haul in a trailer to take all their loot home??? Julie

  2. That is so funny!! ...So glad you've finally gotten moved though. Now that I'm back from our trip we'll have to get together!

  3. Welcome to NW Arkansas!
    This fall you'll have to make it over to our neck of the woods (Fayettville) for an official introduction to arkansas culture - that of the RAZORBACKS!! WOOOO PIG SOOOIE! ;)


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